Tuesday, November 16, 2010

With this iconic ring belonging to my infamous, dead mother, I thee wed...

Ummmmmmm... yeah.
Don't get me wrong - I was extremely happy to hear about the engagement of Price William to his lovely gf, Kate Middleton. I was also kind of sad, as I'd always wondered if the Prince and I would have ended up together had we met during my 2 years abroad when I was younger, but I digress...

A fairytale engagement, a fairytale wedding and a fairytale marriage, I'm sure. However, all happiness aside, I must say I'm perplexed about his controversial choice of engagement ring. Would it have been lovely of him to present the mountainous sapphire to her at some point in the future as a sentimental symbol of his respect for his mother and his respect for her? Yes. As the symbol of their intimate relationship as they make the biggest mistake - I mean, as they make the biggest leap of faith of their lives???!!! Hmmmmmm... For the love of Divorce Court, the ring was Diana's engagement ring from Charles, and we all know how that turned out!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Come on people, its just a ring. A ring maketh not a successful marriage....