Saturday, February 21, 2009

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...

…I have had proud, envious and angry thoughts. If I was male, I would confess to having had lustful, gluttonous and slovenly thoughts (and, 9 times out of 10, acting on them). Respected National Newspaper has synopsized an article published in The Times of London, regarding the different ways that men and women sin (click on title above for link).

Apparently, the Vatican newspaper (awwww… they have a paper…) conducted a survey on confessions within the catholic church (this should be good!). Although the order in which men and women sin is different, the sins are actually all the same. Who knew???!!! So, yes, men think about lust, gluttony and sloth first and foremost, however they do round out their sin lists with the more feminine fixations of pride, envy and anger.

I have, for some time now, tried explaining to whoever will listen that, although men and women are different, we have more in common than not. For example, we all have a need to be loved (desired quantity of lovers seems to be the difference within the similarity), we all need shelter (for some, a brothel may satisfy whereas for others, a happy home would suffice), we all need support networks (achieved through boys nights out and girls nights in) and we all need to have sex (YES!!!). Although we may focus on impure thoughts in different orders, I think it’s fair to say that men are actually NOT from Mars and women are actually NOT from Venus. Let’s agree to disagree that we are all from Earth???!!!


The Uneasy Writer said...

I think men are dumb and women are smart; that's our main difference.

Ms. Blogshaw: let's get together for coffee soon? We must catch up on all things men, shopping and career!

Carrie Blogshaw said...

Uneasy Writer, your comments are by far my favourites!!!
Yes, let's get together soon. We'll have cawfee, we'll tawk....